
Almeida LLC, (pronounced, aeLMEY-D-ah LLC), is a cutting-edge technology consulting firm. We specialize in Artificial Intelligence - specifically Generative AI - and workflow automation. We believe AI is changing the world before our very eyes and we are here to help you embrace it. We understand this new technology changes by the day and it's difficult to stay up to date with all the latest tech. We also understand that neglecting the tech puts your business at risk of falling behind the competition.  That were we come in! Our sole focus is to simplify AI for you to make the best informed decision! We stay on top of the latest technologies, news, and upcoming disruptions so you don't have to. You started your business to run a business, not to constantly read the news on upcoming disruptions. With Us by your side, you can focus on what really matters - running your business.  

Our Story

Our story begins in the 1980's with the grandfather - Crispen Almeida - of our founder Jesse Rivera. Crispen was a migration worker, migrating to the United States for months - some times years - on end for work. As it was customed at that time, Crespin would make some money, send it back to his family, and go visit them from time to time. Consequently, he never really got to see his kids grow up. He was a good father, always providing for his family, for his kids, but he missed all those 'first steps,' 'first words,' 'first tooth falling out,' etc. But it was okay because Crispen had a plan. He was planning to work hard everyday, save up money, retire, finally go back home, and never have to travel again, so that he could finally spend all the time he wanted with his family. 

Unfortunately, that day never came. Crispen was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a year later. He was 58 years old. 

Our founder Jesse Rivera named the company after his grandfather as a way to honor him. But also as a reminder -  working a regular job is putting your future under the control of someone else. This idea was re-enforced when Jesse under went layoffs in 2023. Jesse truly believes running your own business is the best way to balance freedom, income, and take control of your own future. With this mission in mind, Jesse set out to help others who have realized this too - small business owners. The recent developments in AI present unbelievable opportunity for small business to leverage technology to come out ahead. Jesse's background in engineering and computer science set him up perfectly to understand and implement this new emerging tech. And so, Almeida LLC was founded. The mission statement - to simplify AI for small businesses to implement.